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“Brothers on the Rise joins other men from the Toledo community to welcome and inspire the young men of Martin Luther King Jr. Academy for Boys on the first day of school”.
On Thursday, April 23, 2015 a meeting was conducted with the Brothers from the UT campus. During this time we started to plan out the next chapters for the organization of how we can help young men achieve their goal of completing their 4-year degree. Dear Gentlemen, We […]
Latino Student Union Overview Six students were recognized for scholarship—Alisya Gómez, Luis Galindo, Georgina Galindo, Travis Brinston, Alexis Ortiz, and William López—along with Anita Marquez, mother of senior AnaPatricia Marquez, president of LSU. The graduating senior is majoring in interdisciplinary studies, with a focus on political science, environmental science, and […]
"Brothers on the Rise joins other men from the Toledo community to welcome and inspire the young men of Martin Luther King Jr. Academy for Boys on the first day of school".