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Since The University of Toledo founding in 1872 the motto has been to improve the human condition. Brothers On The Rise is preparing African American and Latino students inside and outside of the classroom to be productive global citizens.
The Brother’s Fund is made up of operating gifts from The University of Toledo friends, parents, students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The Brother’s Fund supports students, academic programs, community engagement, scholarships and much more.
Your gift to the Brother’s Fund is used for critical projects not covered by UT’s funds. Gifts to the Brother’s Fund may be designated to support specific areas and we encourage each person to make their gift as personal to their UT experience as possible.
This fund is the cornerstone of financial support to maximize the Brothers on the Rise’s ability to promote the human condition. Every gift counts! Any size gift, from $5 to $10,000, is important. We only ask that you give as you are capable. Gifts can be made online, or by check. Help us support these young men to becoming the next generation of leaders.